Legal Notices

You are currently connected to the official web site of NSC fibre to yarn in France.

Under Article 16 of the January 6, 1978 Act relating to Information Technology data, files and liberties, this web site has been declared to the French data protection watchdog, the CNIL, and registered under the declaration number 1385962.


N. Schlumberger SAS
240 rue de la République 68500 Guebwiller
CS 10079 – 68502 Guebwiller Cedex (France) 

Capital social 3.000.000 €
RCS Colmar 479 861 619
TVA FR 12 479 861 619

Director of publication

Etienne LEROI
General Manager

CNIL declaration number

Site production

Agence Hop
2 Rue du Saering
68500 Guebwiller (France)

Tel : 06 10 81 09 23
Site :

Welcome to the web site NSC fibre to yarn (which we shall refer to hereinafter as the « Site »). You may browse the Site freely but please bear in mind that N.Schlumberger retains the operating rights in particular (rights to represent, copyright and rights to translate) concerning all the texts, data, pictures, audio and visual media or any other document featuring on the Site.

The copying of the texts on this Site is authorized provided that the following three conditions are fulfilled:

  • that they are distributed free of charge
  • that the integrity of the documents copied is respected
  • and provided that the following copyright comment appears on all copies: « This document comes from the NSC fibre to yarn site  ( All rights reserved and strictly limited« .

Copying all or part of this Site on any electronic medium whatsoever is strictly forbidden without N. Schlumberger express permission. Please send your request to: Direction Générale N.Schlumberger, 170 rue de la République, CS10079, 68502 Guebwiller Cedex (France). 

You must not distribute, alter, forward, use nor reuse the contents of the Site for any commercial purposes without the express permission of N.Schlumberger. N.Schlumberger reserves all the other rights in connection with this Site. Your access to the Site and actually using it are subject to the following conditions (hereinafter referred to as the « Conditions ») and require that you abide by the laws in force. By accessing this Site and browsing it, you accept all the Conditions for doing so. If you do not accept these Conditions, we kindly ask you to leave the Site.


1. You have to consider that unless otherwise stated, everything that you see or read on the Site is protected by intellectual or industrial property rights and cannot be used in any other manner than within the scope fixed in these conditions or in accordance with the notes mentioned furthermore on the Site, except as otherwise authorized in writing by N.Schlumberger. 

2. Despite N.Schlumberger using all endeavours to update the information on the Site, errors may arise. Please contact your usual contact or send an email to the webmaster (webmaster(at)nsc(dot)fr) to confirm the information obtained. 

3. You may use and browse the Site under your own responsibility. Neither N.Schlumberger nor any third party involved in the creation, production or implementation of the Site shall be able to be held responsible for any direct, indirect, accidental, consecutive or other damage which would result from you gaining access to the Site or using it, including and without restriction, operating losses, losses of data or business stoppages. 

4. Likewise, N.Schlumberger shall not be able to be held responsible for the damage or viruses which could infect your computer equipment or any other hardware, nor the losses or the changes to data further to your accessing the Site or downloading items from the Site. Under no circumstances, whatever the grounds, will N.Schlumberger’s overall liability be able to exceed the amount you will have paid to gain access to the site. 

5. The pictures of people or places on the Site are either the property of N.Schlumberger or used by N.Schlumberger with the owner’s permission. It is forbidden for these pictures to be used by you or by any other person you would have authorized to do so, except those figuring elsewhere on the Site. Any unauthorized use of these pictures could violate the texts governing intellectual or industrial property, registered trademarks, the respect of privacy and communication. 

6. All the other elements making up this Site (texts, pictures, illustrations, logos, icons, files available by downloading them, etc.) are the exclusive property of N.Schlumberger. These elements are protected by French laws and international texts relating to compliance in terms of royalties and copyright. 

7. Copying and/or representing these elements is only authorized for information purposes and for strictly personal and private use. It is notably forbidden to present one of the pages of the web site in a web page which does not belong to the latter (framing). Likewise, the practice which consists in calling up one of the elements of the web site such as defined previously in a web page not belonging to the Site, is strictly forbidden (in line linking). 

8. Any use of the elements on this Site for different purposes than those listed in the paragraph 7 will be subject to legal action in France and abroad. 

9. The trademarks and the logos (all referred to as the « Trademarks ») featuring on the Site are trademarks belonging to N.Schlumberger or third parties. Nothing on the Site must be interpreted as giving permission to use a Trademark without the written authorization of N.Schlumberger or the third party owner. It is strictly forbidden to use the Trademarks featuring on the Site in any manner or form whatsoever. 

10. The patents quoted on the Site are protected by French laws and international agreements relating to patents. No other right than that to visit the Site is granted to anyone whatsoever. In particular, putting this Site on line does not result in a license to use the patents quoted or mentioned on the Site. 

11. N.Schlumberger shall not be able to be held responsible for the links to other sites. The latter are provided for information only. You are solely responsible for connecting to any page outside the Site or to any other site. 

12. N.Schlumberger reserves the right to check the communications, exchanges, mail, announcements and connection to the Site. 

13. Any communications or any document which you send on the Site by electronic mail or by any other means, including data, questions, comments, suggestions or anything else, shall be considered as non-confidential. They can therefore be used by N.Schlumberger or by the NSC Group for any purpose, in particular, for developing, manufacturing and marketing products the development of which will have incorporated this information. 

14. This Site is subject to the January 6, 1978 Act, called the « Information Technology data and liberties » Act. It has been declared to the French data protection watchdog, the CNIL, under number (pending). 

15. In accordance with Article 27 of the January 6, 1978 Act, called the « Information Technology data and liberties » Act, you have the right to access, rectify and remove any data concerning you under the terms of Article 34 of said Act. Please contact us at the following address: Direction Générale N.Schlumberger, 170 rue de la République, CS10079, 68502 Guebwiller Cedex (France) or by email to webmaster(at)nsc(dot)fr 

16. N.Schlumberger may at any time alter the Conditions without notice. Likewise, N.Schlumberger may at any time, and without any justification, notice nor compensation, put an end to the rights which are granted to you by these Conditions, if you have not abided by the terms of such. You shall then have to destroy everything you have obtained on the Site along with all the copies which you might have made. 

17. These Conditions are governed by French law. If you are a business person, you agree that any dispute arising out of the execution or interpretation of the present conditions shall, if no amicable settlement can be reached by the parties, be submitted to the Commercial Court of Paris. Any disputes involving consumers shall be brought before the competent jurisdictions of Paris if no amicable settlement can be reached.


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